Based on where you are living, you may need to do some additional things to your car to prepare for winter driving. During extreme winter weather, you will have some issues that could arise. There is certainly less intervention with brand new cars, but they still have to have some preparation. It can save you quite a bit of money if you follow some basic tips.
The winter weather might cause your winter tires to deflate quickly so keep track of the pressure regularly. When you’re diligent, you will have the ability to have better fuel economy and less chance of a flat. You should also avoid having your fuel tank get below the quarter mark. Inside older cars, the gasoline lines would likely freeze if the tank was not at least a quarter full though newer cars don’t have this problem. It is best to hold enough fuel in the tank, in case you become stranded. It is also good to have an emergency kit containing mittens and hats to keep you warm. You must also have jumper cables, flashlight, flares and basic tools.
Well before winter arrives, have each one of your fluids checked, because some of them are affected by the conditions found during winter. You need to make sure that your cooling system is in appropriate order especially if the temperature moves below freezing. Numerous expensive engine problems are the result of an improperly maintained cooling system. Make sure your antifreeze is satisfactory and check it during the entire winter. While doing so keep your windshield washer fluid with a liquid that will not freeze. In case your battery is getting a tad old, you may want to have it looked at before it becomes an issue during the winter. Remove any corrosion on your battery terminals, or your car may not start. The lifespan of your battery can be cut short due to the extreme cold of winter. To obtain extra protection, make sure those jumper cables remain in your vehicle at all times.
Your car may not be quite ready for an oil change, however do it anyway. When it comes to an older vehicle, you may want to use a light weight oil to keep elements lubricated in the cold weather. Newer cars now use lighter oil so it’s not an issue. You may also want to replace your wiper blades for the wintertime as well. The new blades are going to be more successful in wiping off the ice and slush that accumulates. You might already really need to put snow tires on your car before the snow starts coming. At least, invest in the right all-season radial tires.
It’s wise if you’re able to prepare yourself before the winter comes. If you delay too long you could get stuck in an early winter storm. Don’t put it off, go ahead and take action before the mad rush begins.