Category Archives: Car Tips

Keeping Car Battery Clean

Avoid Jump Starting Your Car

Have you made an effort to jump start your car battery and was surprised that it was covered in gunk? Had you been wondering what the gunk was, it was battery oxidation, formed by acid condensation. It might be cleaned using a basic chemical solution, since it has been formed by an acid. A familiar household product, which is baking soda, is able to clean battery acid very easily. You’ll want to take some safeguards, but safe cleaning of your battery is only following a few instructions.

Essential Tools

The first thing you’ll want to do is to find the necessary supplies, which you may already have at home. The basic tools you’ll need are a pair of safety glasses to cover your eyes, adjustable pliers and a screwdriver with insulated handles, a stiff bristled brush, and the key component, baking soda. Additional items you need requires a metal or plastic scraper, box or open-end wrenches, cleaning brushes for the battery terminal, and either a turkey baster or small funnel. Several sponges or clean cloths, a spray bottle with all-purpose household cleaner, some rubber gloves and a large container of clean water. It might appear like a whole lot of stuff to clean the equipment, but it will keep it safe and non-hazardous.

You will need the safety glasses and rubber gloves to shield yourself from the sulfuric acid that’s contained in the corrosive deposits. You should also make sure that the deposits don’t get on the car since it will damage the paint. The level you have to clean the battery is determined by how much corrosion it has. It is possible, to get all the debris and corrosion off of the battery, that the battery will need to be taken out of the vehicle. The initial step is to utilize the scraper to clear out as much dirt as possible and use the bristle brush to get at more.

Cleaning Solution

The next thing would be to create a mixture of one tablespoon of baking soda to a pint of water, and take the turkey baster, and carefully apply the solution to the outside of the battery, along with the cable connections. After that you can use the bristle brush to be able to loosen and remove the debris from the battery and you want to remove the cables so that cleaning will be easier. Make use of the pliers or maybe assorted wrenches to loosen the hookup before pulling them off, starting with the negative first, and then the positive. For any other parts of the battery, use the brush to remove the deposits then rinse with the baking soda solution.

You can use the bottle of spray cleaner and sponge to remove any additional dirt and grease. Right after, dry all of the parts and reassemble everything and be sure you refasten the cable with positive first. Finally, after everything is secured and properly put together, you will now have a safe and clean battery.